My past two years, the Best Nine told me I liked the color red, love fashion and my friends and family generally like to see photos of me.
Best Nine 2017 showed me my interests have changed somewhat. Based on the photos most highly liked, either me or all of you like to see comic-con photos more than runway photos. Either that's a shift in the overall love of geekery on my part, or yours? They account for 4 out of the 9 photos here.
Of the photos of myself you liked, one of them is one where I mock my puberty-plagued look. Three of them, I am wearing colors and patterns rather than my usual black.
The last photo is a posh plate of sushi. That's the oddball out here. I do post pics of food and my attempts at baking regularly, but this particular dish stood out. Perhaps it has to do with the combination of hashtags. Maybe Instagram viewers just like raw fish.
Here's to a healthy, prosperous and productive 2018 everyone! I showed you mine, now you show me yours! BestNine2017

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