Monday, July 22, 2013

MIAMI SWIM WEEK: Nicolita's Booty Shaker

booty swimwear
nicolita swimwear
It was all about the booty at Nicolita's fashion show at Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Swim on Saturday.  The outfits themselves celebrated the era of vintage Cuban glamour, back when old Hollywood saw it as its playground.  The models were styled like classic starlets of the 1950's and pin-up girls.

Bows and ruffles accented backsides against a soundtrack of Beyonce's Bootylicious and Sir Mix-a-lot's Baby Got Back.  Designer Nicole Di Rocco's collection focuses on flattering a woman's curves.  The retro prints and silhouettes were perfectly at home in South Beach among all of the old hotels of the Art Deco era.

Hair was set in rollers tied with a pretty scarf.  Jewelry included big hoops and buttons. While the models on this runway were a little curvier than those you see on the anemic runways of New York, I still don't think any of their behinds truly encompassed the scale of "Big Butts" and "BOOTY" being flashed on the wall and memorialized by the soundtrack.

What do you think?  How much booty do you think you should see in a show where it is the main theme?

nicolita designer
Photos by Mariana Leung

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