Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mod Mode for Mad Men...

Summer television often means reruns on the major networks, but all the good stuff starts airing on the specialty ones. The retro-styled Mad Men has devoted fans among history buffs and fashionistas alike. The designers and stylists who create the show are revered for their attention to detail which tell the story as much as the script.

For the upcoming season, costume designer Janie Bryant styled Peggy's character to reflect her newfound independence. The 'mod' haircut was very trendy at that time and a departure from her conservative, shyer years at the beginning of the series. Betty's character starts to take on more Jackie-O type silhouettes. The presidential fashion befits her new role as a politician's partner. Curvaceous Joan continues to show her best assets in a fashion-forward way with pop prints.

If you're a really big fan of the look of this show, there is a fabulous blog called Mad Men Unbuttoned. Each episode is broken down into minute detail with history, style and background behind each piece of the program.

Click here for Instyle's slide show. Season 4 starts July 25th. Photos courtesy of AMC.

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