Everyone's favorite full family fashion brand Old Navy rocked out their fall offerings the other week. There was a big push for denim and a homey, rustic chic. Soft cotton plaid shirts,prairie flower prints in smock tunics and dresses were paired with high top sneakers or slouchy boots. There was a lingering of the 1970s influence in some of the Earthy color palettes. The overall look was carried through from women's to menswear and children's clothing in the presentation.
Many brands have jumped onto the athleisure trend to produce a gym-friendly fashion collection. The Old Navy collection injected brighter colors and more pop art styled graphics into theirs in comparison to their main collection. However, it still contained plaid and denim looks to didn't stray too far from the overall direction for the season. Again, they showed their offerings across men, women and children together as their statement about dressing the entire family.
Their denim push showed off new silhouettes and more technical aspects of their jeans. There were waterproof jeans. There were jeans engineered to compress and enhance the figure. There were super flexible jeans for active lifestyles. While many denim companies claim to the same, it's rare to find so many functions at the Old Navy price point. I haven't been able to try them on myself, so I can't testify to if they actually deliver.
If you're ready to shop for the family or (gasp) ready for school, Old Navy Fall 2016 has your back.
You know that scene when Carrie visits Vogue's fashion closet for the first time? That's how I felt when I saw the Alison Brod beauty closet. If my own makeup closet looked this organized, I think my Hubby would cry.

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