post has absolutely nothing to do with style, or fashion, or holiday shopping. Last Friday’s mass shooting of children,
parents and teachers devastated everyone who heard about it.
anyone who lives in the tri-state area of a certain age, it is very likely that
you know someone directly that has been affected by this tragedy. After the shock, your next instinct is to help
any way you can. Here are a few options
based on how/what you can do:
Grief Counseling, Dealing with Mental Illness:
Danbury Hospital is on the
frontline for victims and also in working with different agencies to provide counseling
for families. You can help fund these
initiatives here.
the Children is also available to help with their Help Children Cope with a
Crisis initiative. To help
or donate, click here.
Sandy Hook Elementary School Victims
Relief Fund, organized by the PTA, was organized to provide grief counseling,
pay for funeral expenses, create scholarships for students and fund a
memorial. To donate to the fund, follow here.
resources can be found at ABC
News’ round-up.
The United Way’s Western Connecticut
branch could use your help volunteering or donations.
Cross is always on hand at every crisis.
In Newton, they are providing food, water, emotional support and any
other services they can in collaboration with local authorities. To work with the Red
Cross, connect here.
volunteer with local organizations directly, you can call (800) 203-1234, according to the Connecticut
Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection.
of the victims have organized funds in honor of their loved ones:
The family of Sandy
Hook's principal, Dawn Hochsprung, created a memorial fund for the educator,
who died trying to stop the gunman. Donations: Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung
Memorial Fund, CT Teachers Credit Union, P.O. Box 2121, Waterbury, Conn. 06722.
The family of Olivia
Engel, 6, created the Friends of the
Engel Family Fund. On its Facebook page, a relative says the fund will be
used to help the family financially. The family plans to meet this week to
decide how to use the donations for a tribute or effort in Olivia's name that
will have a more lasting impact.
The family of Emilie
Parker, 6, created the Emilie
Parker Fund to raise donations to
help her parents, Robbie and Alissa, take time off from work to be with their
two younger children, and to help with funeral expenses and airfare to the
family's home state of Utah, where they will have Emilie's funeral and bury
The family of Noah
Pozner, 6, created Noah's
Ark of Hope Fund to provide counseling, education and basic needs for his
four siblings.
Photo: Gent Shkulaku via

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