You might recognize Camila Alves as the super-hot mom/model (her
Hubby is the equally hot Matthew McConaughey). These days Ms. Alves is gaining praise for
her handbag label MUXO and a new tunic collection. She truly puts family first, her design and
business partner is none other than her own Mom.
In contrast to your typical "celebrity" handbag line, Camila and her mother originally started their own handbag line for same reasons as many other designers. They wanted to make money together and be able to send funds home to their family. In the early days, the two of them would work late into the night to stitch, hammer and apply trim themselves to make their bags by hand.
Ms. Fabulous editor Mariana Leung chats with Camila about her
fashion journey:
Ms. FABulous: Who were your style icons growing up?
Camila Alves: I think my mother was definitely an influential
part of my style growing up. She’s always had a cool sophisticated air about
her that translates in our designs.
MsF: Has being a parent changed how you work as an entrepreneur
and designer?
C.A.: Absolutely! I need things to not only be chic, but also
effortless and able to be work for different outfits and occasions.
MsF: You design your handbag collection with your mother.
While you are well known for your modeling work in the fashion industry, did
either of you have previous design experience or was it a mutual love of style
that brought you together for this collection?
C.A.: I feel like I have been in the fashion my whole life! From
my modeling career to watching my mother who has 3 degrees in design and
MsF: The collection features Brazilian leather and handcrafted
workmanship. How involved were you in the decisions of choosing the
materials and directing how they were to be made?
C.A.: I’m completely involved in the creative process. I wanted to
create a line that I could nurture and grow be proud of, and that meant that I
needed to be involved from conception to execution.
MsF: What inspired you to add tunics to your label? Is there
a plan for a full clothing line?
C.A.: I wanted to expand from the handbags and tunics worked
naturally because just like the bags, it’s something that works for all women
of different sizes and ages. No plans just yet, but we’ll see what else comes
to mind!
MsF: What was the most unexpected thing you learned in creating
your own fashion label?
C.A.: I was surprised at how easily something can come to life
when you’re passionate about . And also how you actually influence people and
provide them with special experiences thru your product and creation!
MsF: What is the most special tradition you have for the
C.A.: Getting the whole family together and having a sit down meal
and acknowledging how blessed we are to have each other!
MsF: Thank you and happy holidays!

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