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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Pantone Tangerine Tango - Charlotte Ronson Spring 2012

charlotte ronson fashion
It's the color of the year!  If any abstract concept needs a pageant, Pantone's naming of the annual color winner is it.  This year, Tangerine Tango is the It-Girl of the palette.  Based on the Spring 2012 shows, most designers already knew that.  Here, Charlotte Ronson showed flowing, pretty pieces in ombre and embellished styles in the sunny shade.

Ms. Ronson of NYC's famed socialite/partying Ronson family also sent neutral beige and navy relaxed pieces down the runway.  Stylish, but it looked effortless.  Kind of what you would want for Spring.  

Does a strong focus on the named color of the year result in your being taken more seriously as a designer?  Or does that just sound silly?

For those who think a simple color is the made-up drama of fashion's frivolous world, (and I have heard  uninformed opinions to that), consider the case of Ann Taylor.  In 2011, Honeysuckle pink was deemed the most important color.  Wall Street analysts actually downgraded the financial outlook for the sportswear giant due to what they perceived as a lack of the hue in their current offerings. Shortly, the company's shares dropped 5.3%.  

Was that fair?  Doesn't that go against the point of creativity, design and the desire to separate yourself from the pack?  How can you be a trendsetter if you're judged by the percentage in which you follow a corporate numbered color?

Is Tangerine Tango a color you'll be wearing this season?  Who's collection did it best?  

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